Hong Kong Chironomidae Project

Environment and Conservation Fund: Hong Kong Chironomidae biodiversity: an initial assessment of the largest freshwater insect group and their link with ecologically important stream conservation 

This webpage provides a semi-regular (roughly every 2 months) update on the, currently, ongoing ECF funded Hong Kong Chironomidae project

Project Summary: Chironomids are the most abundant insect species in freshwater ecosystems with a widespread diversity and functionality. Their importance as bioindicators for water quality, pollution control functionality and service as primary food source for fish, birds and mammals is we documented. Hong Kong Chironomidae biodiversity, life histories and distributions are unknown, however.


This study will provide the first survey of Hong Kong Chironomidae biodiversity, particularly for presently defined Ecologically Important Streams (EIS). Our aims are to 1) Initially characterize the Chironomidae biodiversity across Hong Kong 2) Assess the temporal and spatial variation of Chironomidae species found across Hong Kong 3) Test the feasibility of an environmental DNA (eDNA) assessment of Chironomidae biodiversity for Hong Kong EISs


Overall this project will fill a key knowledge gap on the most overlooked species group within Hong Kong. We anticipated the discovery of 500-800 species across Hong Kong, which would provide a valuable source of information related to the Hong Kong Biodiversity Action Plan (BSAP). Furthermore, this project will provide initial information regarding water quality links to species occurrence and abundances and allow for an initial assessment of molecular based biodiversity assessment, which is rapidly gaining traction for many government and private agencies across the globe. 

Meet the Team

Prof. Mat Seymour


Dr. Han Wu

Postdoc - HKU

Chan Tsz Ying (Elaine) 


Prof. Hongqu Tang 

Collaborator - Jinan University 

Prof. Xiao-Long Lin 

Collaborator - Shanghai Ocean University 

Progress and Outcomes

October 2023 - Pre-project Experiment Setup - We initiated the malaise trap sampling in November, three months before the official project start date. Chan Tsz Ying  did an amazing job coordinating the early survey campaign. Chan Tsz Ying  attended the Chironomid symposium in Huanggang, Wuhan, organized by Prof Fu Yue

December 2023 - Trap survey is ongoing. Chan Tsz Ying  and Mat visited Prof. Tang and Dr. Han Wu at Jinan University to initiate collaboration and to provide Elaine training in Chironomidae taxonomy from Prof. Tang. Very excited to have Han Wu join the team at the beginning of the new year. Initial coarse sorting of the malaise traps samples is ongoing with promising preliminary indications of high Chironomidae biodiversity with crucial guidance from Prof. Tang and Prof. Lin. 

February 2024 - The Project has now officially started (1 January) with Malaise traps in place at all 15 sampling sites and samples being collected every two weeks. Dr. Han Wu has successfully defended his PhD thesis and will be joining us after the Chinese New Year. Identification of Orthocladiinae (photo) with assistance from Prof. Tang and Prof. Lin.

April 2024 - Han Wu has officially started his post-doc position, bringing valuable taxonomic expertise to the group. 8 Months of malaise trap sampling has been successfully carried out and the first set of eDNA, kicknet, exuviae and light trap samples have now been collected.

July 2024 - 6 Month Progress Summary

After 6 months of progress on the Hong Kong Chironomidae biodiversity survey project, significant milestones have been achieved. Sampling activities began promptly, with 15 trapping locations across 5 ecologically important streams covered, resulting in the collection of approximately 105 malaise trap samples. Despite some setbacks, such as the loss of a few samples due to adverse weather and human or wildlife interference, the project has made substantial headway.

Dr. Han Wu was brought onboard in March 2024 to significantly enhance our research capabilities. Various sampling techniques, including Chironomidae larva , exuviae, eDNA, and light trapping, have been conducted twice during the first 6 months. Preliminary findings from the survey were shared at the 3rd Annual Ecology and Biodiversity Research Symposium through a poster presentation by Ms. Chan Tsz Ying, a PhD Candidate from HKU. 

The establishment of the Hong Kong Chironomidae barcode project library has commenced and updated time to time. The project aims to generate over 1,000 barcodes from approximately 300 identified species, provide extra information for global researchers.,W with 60 barcodes from 27 unique species already deposited in a private BOLD database project folder. Another 100 barcodes are in the pipeline for upload in the upcoming period. The barcode library will be published as a research article for the public to use when it is ready. The project aims to generate over 1,000 barcodes from approximately 300 identified species.

Additionally, efforts are underway to develop a taxonomic key for Chironomidae identification in Hong Kong, create a photograph database linked to barcode sequences, and assess spatio-temporal and environmental factors influencing Chironomidae biodiversity dynamics. The project is also progressing towards evaluating the feasibility of using eDNA for Chironomidae assessment in Hong Kong, with 90 eDNA samples collected for future molecular analysis.

Despite challenges, including trap loss and weather disturbances, the project is on track to achieve its objectives. The ongoing research efforts aim to enhance public awareness and understanding of the diverse Chironomidae species in Hong Kong, contributing valuable insights to biodiversity conservation and environmental management.

2024年7月— 6個月進度總結




不止如此,團隊正在努力編撰 「香港搖蚊分類手冊」和一個與條碼序列相關聯的照片數據庫,以用於評估時空和環境因素如何影響香港搖蚊科生物多樣性變化。該項目向利用環境DNA在香港評估搖蚊多樣性方向前進,目前已收集90個環境DNA樣本以供未來分子分析。


June 2024 - Han Wu has made extensive progress in updating the species list and initiating the barcode database. Including processing of slide vouchers (>350 slides), digital vouchers (>1500 photos), 110 specimen DNA extracted, 60 specimens barcodes generated quality checked and uploaded to the database (~ 35 species). Many thanks to Prof. Tang for helping to verify species identification. Chan Tsz Ying presented recent findings from the survey work during the E&B seminar, winning the audience choice award.

August 2024 - The second set of light trap, eDNA, exuviae and kick net samples have been completed. The first set of samples have been fully sorted. Dr. Han Wu is busy developing a preliminary identification key based on the initial samples. Chan Tsz Ying is busy preparing for her her qualifying seminar in between sorting and laboratory work.

October 2024 - Our initial malaise trap sampling is nearing the 12 month mark. Chan Tsz Ying and Han Wu, along with our student helpers have carried out the third set of light trapping and eDNA sampling. A full catalogue of species from one stream (out of 5) has been completed with over 500 photographs, 96 specimen slides and 105 species across 4 subfamilies (including barcodes). The second stream cataloguing is underway. 

December 2024 - Catching up with the malaise sample identification. Added 8 more genera and 55 species to the species checklist. ~240 morphological species identified. The DNA barcoding library is filling up with 114 submitted trace files. Photos are done, but uploading take some time.  

January 2025 - 12 Month Progress Summary

After 12 months of progress on the Hong Kong Chironomidae biodiversity survey project, significant advancements have been made. Sampling activities were carried out as planned, with monthly sampling at 15 trapping locations across the 5 ecologically important streams. The first year of surveying has been completed, resulting in 180 malaise trap samples, which have been sorted and identified to the species level. Additionally, 180 exuviae samples have been sorted for preparation for metabarcoding.

Chironomidae larva, eDNA, and light trapping were conducted once during the last six months, with plans for the 4th sampling event in February 2025. Currently, 165 eDNA samples, 45 kick Chironomidae larva samples, and 15 light trap samples have been collected and processed according to the grant proposal plan. The Chironomidae larva samples have been identified, and the eDNA samples have undergone DNA extraction and cleanup for metabarcoding. A trial run of the metabarcoding library protocol has been successfully completed, with preparations underway for the remaining samples.

The Hong Kong Chironomidae barcode project library has been updated, with 393 specimens uploaded and 107 species records verified. An additional 300 barcode sequences will be generated and added to the library database in the next few months. The identification manual is near completion, with adjustments being made for accuracy.

The project has identified 240 species from 61 genera, with over 25 new records to Hong Kong. The ongoing research efforts aim to enhance public awareness and understanding of the diverse Chironomidae species in Hong Kong, with anticipated identification of around 300 species across all sites and time points.

Efforts continue on the barcode sequence database, photograph database, taxonomic key development, and assessment of spatio-temporal and environmental factors influencing Chironomidae biodiversity dynamics. Overall, the project is progressing well and meeting expectations thanks to the amazing group of researchers involved.

2025年1月— 12個月進度總結


在過去的六個月內,搖蚊幼蟲、環境DNA和燈誘採樣活動各進行了兩次,並計劃在2025年2月進行第四次採樣活動。目前已經收集並按照計劃書處理了165個環境DNA樣本、45個搖蚊科幼蟲樣本和30個燈誘樣本。搖蚊科幼蟲樣本已經被識別,環境DNA樣本亦已提取DNA提取及提純,以進行高通量分子條碼(eDNA metabarcoding)分析。初步測序平台文庫構建已試運成功,正在為剩餘樣本做準備。 



團隊持續努力完善以上提及的條碼序列數據庫、照片數據庫、分類手冊以及繼續評估時間及環境因素如何影響香港搖蚊科生物多樣性變化。整體而言,參與其中的出色研究人員使本項目進展順利,達到了預期目標 。

February 2025 - Chan Tsz Ying and Han Wu are busy collecting the last round of eDNA and light trap samples. All current eDNA extracts are completed and our trial amplicon library testing has been completed.